A selection of goods to help you make the best of our quality coffees.
Filter cone for 1 cup of coffee
Filter cone for 1-2 cups of coffee
Filter cone for 2-3 cups of coffee
500 Commercial bleached filter papers.
Filter cone for 3-4 cups of coffee
Filter cone for 5-6 cups of coffee
Sizes Available : 1 Cup / 2 x Cup / 3/4 Cup / 6 Cup / 9 Cup / 12 Cup
For use in Moka Express, Dama, Fiammetta, Break or Mini Express
Sizes Available : 1/2 Cup / 4 Cup / 6 Cup / 10 Cup
Can be used in the Venus, Kitty or Musa
Stainless steel knockout drawer designed for the commercial market.
Black wooden knockout box by Concept Art